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Hello my fellow reader, my name is Angelica Ortiz Rauda and I am currently a junior at Foshay Learning Center. I have lived in Los Angeles all my life and one day wish to travel. I am part of Foshay’s Academy of Technology and I am also part of USC’s Neighborhood Academic Initiative (NAI) program.  One of my hobbies is drawing about anything everything and during the weekends I enjoy spending time with my father, helping him with house repair projects and learning about what machines are used for specific tasks which gives me practice to what I want to do in the future. 

For every man that succeed, there are a hundred that fail.

Sabri Sansoy

People that work hard distinguish themselves.

Kim-Thomas Barrios



What's Up?

Last Event


The Barack Obama Campaign

I got involved passing out flyers and signing up people from my community to attend sessions with speciaclists on how to qualify for the Health Care program.


I made a donation of hair that was 12 inches to the organization called Locks of Love and recieved a special recognition.

If any questions, comments, or praises PLEASE contact me at ...

Tel: (323) 568-7590

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